Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Knitting and Borscht.
We also have a little heritage museum were you can see how the Doukobours lived when they first arrived. In one building there is a little pamphlet, you can purchase for a loonie that has some traditional Doukobour recipes! Of course in this phamplet is a recipe for borscht, and I quote "Serves 12 hungry borscht fanatics- and there should be leftovers to freeze." So I thought it was a good wintery time to make a cauldron full of borscht!
And for all you Weezie fans out was amazing....possibly a little better then weezies. I know. You guys think I'm exagerating, well I can prove it. There is lots to sample.....oh wait, as of today there is only one jar left. Sorry, I'm sure the next batch will be just as tasty!!!!

But I will post the recipe here, for all who would like to try it on there own! I made a few changes, so I will try to change the font color to show that.
Everybody should definitly try this recipe, and don't try to half it, if you don't have freezer room, give some away, but if you decrease this recipe, you will be kicking yourself after you taste it!
Tom and I have finished some knitting projects! I these are gifts, so I will post pictures, but I won't say anything more!

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Annnnnnnd.......we're back.
Picture this:
Youngish, okay, middleage pretty girl, okay, middleage girl that was once cute in her younger years....
Nevermind, a lady. A lady on two very very dark acres. Alone on her two very very dark acres for the first time ever! Her husband has gone away for the weekend! But she's okay. She's independent. Lots to keep her busy. Tick tock tick it bedtime yet....nope only 7:15. Yikes. Okay play with the dogs, lets dogs out. Watch some tv, is it bedtime yet? Nope, only 8:05. So this lady decides to go online and do some blogging. Have I mentioned dial up before? She turns on her computer. Leaves for 15 minutes, comes back, no dial tone? What the? She tries again. Still no dial tone? She checks the cord, yup, everything is connected. Hmph.
She goes to the phone....insert scary music here...NO DIAL TONE? WHAT THE? Okay. We're okay. (Insert dogs barking crazily at the windows at unseen objects outside).
She gathers up the phone number for Telus and her husband in calgary and runs to the car, and DRIVES to her neighbours house...which is only about 100 feet away, but did I mention the dark dark darkness yet? She goes to her neighbours house and barely makes it inside before something is breathing down her neck. Maybe it was just the wind. Maybe.
She phones Telus, the wonderfully kind understanding and sympathetic advisor on the other end of the line WON'T HELP HER UNLESS SHE HAS HER HUSBANDS DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER!!!! WHAT THE!!!!!
She calmly drives back to her very scary very dark two acres, runs from the car to the house...finds the appropriate information and goes back to the neighbors and back on the phone to Telus, dials and gets a new operator...who requires only her .......ADDRESS!!!! WHAT THE .....!
The new kind operator that does not require information such as a sample of her husbands saliva, kindly makes her and appointment for ........EIGHT DAYS FROM NOW!!!!! And kindly tells her that the problem is most likely her phone or inside the house.
Not much happened in the next week. The lady was not attacked. There was not a mass murderer in her very dark two acres. She didn't die. She didn't get hurt. Her husband came home. She continued to go to work.
And this morning, she went to work, and on her coffee break, she dialed her house, to see if there was a dial tone yet, and lo and behold, there was!
You might think this scary story ends here! But there's more!
About 1/2 an hour later the lady is paged for line 1! Its the service technician from Telus! She hasn't even been to the house yet! Did I realize the phone was working now! YES I DID!!!! ARG.
So the phone fixed itself, a mere hour or two before the technician even got to our house.
The moral of the story is....
How many times can a girl scream at a Telus rep?
No, really, how many??? Please? Anyone?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Babies, balaclava's and zombies!
And my lastest stunning portrait. I would like to thank my sister, for capturing these wonderful pictures on film. Ang, your the best photographer I know.
On Monday we were doing some shopping at the Wholesale Club, and came across these balaclava for 95 cents, as if we could resist! We must keep our babies ears warm this winter! Obviously they love it, well, I'm sure they will love them when they realize how warm their ears are!
We are please to announce that both our children have passed level one obediance and are moving on to level 2! So smart!

My precious Angel. Tonight we played a new game...."Find it" with the Kong! I leashed them up so they couldn't see me, and then hid the kong and then let them go (one at a time of course!). Maddy loved it, she went crazy and was pretty good at! Until I hid it under a dish, and then she was a little stumped! Dorian loved it too, although I'm not sure if he really knew what was going on! But he was very happy when mommy helped him to find the kong! I'm sure he will get better with time!
My first auction experience was severly disappointing. No purchases were made. It was....just so disappointing.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Madeline and Dorian's Christmas Wish List
We borrowed this book from our class teachers and these games were in the book! Maddy and Dory quickly got out there pens and circled what they wanted just like back in the day when Angie and I would circle our wish list in the Sears catalogue.
There is a third one that I can't get to download with little blocks that have to be removed to find the treat.
-cut pork into bite size pieces ( I like to buy a pork tenderloin, it's a good amount for 2-3)
-dip pork in a beaten egg.
-then dip pork in a mixture of 1 cup flour, 1tsp garlic salt. (The original recipe called for another tsp of salt, but we have found that wayyyy to salty)
Fry pork in oil until crispy.
In another pan saute one green pepper and one can of pineapple pieces ( save the juice for later).
Mix in a small bowl :
-1/4 cup ketchup
-1 tsp sugar
-2tbsp vinegar
-1 tsp worsteshire
-1 tbsp onion flakes
Add sauce to green pepper and pineapple, add reserved pineapple juice, as much as desired depending on how thick or runny you like. If too runny add some cornstarch to the pineapple juice.
Mix with pork.
Serve over rice!
It's better then takeout!
Wish me luck at the auction tomorrow!
And light a candle for Julien tomorrow, three months since he left a hole in my heart. Love you baby.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Cat in a box
Madeline, could give a rats pooper that there is a cat in the house. in love.
With Purla and her cardboard box.

I can't seem to get this picture right side up, but you get the idea!
It takes 24 hours of surveilance to keep Dorian away from Purla and her bed. It makes us a little nervous, because I think she weighs about six pounds and Dorian is already 17 pounds! He pounces at her, and smells her and bats her and pushes her.....and she loves every second of it! Sometimes I wonder if this is the first entertainment she has had in her whole life!
So everynight night this week, she comes in as soon as we get home from work, and stays in all night curled up in front of the fire until the next morning when we shoo her out for the day.... god forbid, next stop, litter box. Yuck.
Tonight I also discovered that this Sunday at the auction house is all crafts and yarn!!!! Yippee! And then I realize plummeting back to's the same time as Dorian's class. Poopee. I'm working on a plan. Best case scenario, class will be cancelled due to Halloween the previous night....I am anxiously checking my email for updates. My fathers days projects are coming along swiftly now that my summer hiatus is over!
I will keep you posted about my possible first auction purchases ever!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The baby!
Mommy, Lingy and Dorian, having a snooze....well some of us having a snooze!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
We may be in trouble.....
Life as we knew it, is over. I have a barker. I've tried him in his crate...bark bark bark, I tried him in the back seat, bark bark bark. I've tried him in the front seat, bark bark bark. At nothing, nothing at all! The only time he's not barking is when he is eating the seat belt, my purse, the shifter, or doing a headstand. Yeah, a headstand, not even joking a little bit. He's definitly not car sick, and he's not stressed out at all. He's just really really loud and verbal. And Madeline and I get out at the end of each trip, rolling our eyes at eachother, and Mommy takes an Advil and Lingy takes a quiet nap!
Now, everyone is laughing at us, I think! We are getting nervous already about the 7 hr drive to Calgary this Christmas! It's going to be a long long trip.
We had our second training class this weekend. The crazy lady who talks really loudly to her dogs immediatly had to "come and see Madeline", and then proceeded to talk to her. I find this incredibly awkward. Am I supposed to respond on her behalf? Make her talk? Talk to this womens dog? I chose none of the above, I just stared at her. And at the end of the class she did it again, saying goodbye to Madeline, but not us, so we just walked away. Strange.
But Maddy is a superstar, in class. What a show off! She will probably be advanced to level two soon, but home is a different story. We are working very hard on sitting on a mat, I think she's starting to get it.
Dorians doing great too, no sign of advancement though! We'll be in level one for a while. I think he's starting to understand what the click means though. That will help, for the first while he definitly wasn't putting it all together. He goes on the mat right away now, so I think he understands!
It's too late to post any pictures tonight, I will try another night. I need to take some new ones anyways!
And one last huge news!!!!! My sister is getting married! Yay! We are so excited! Congratulations Angie and Luc!
Monday, October 5, 2009
T3's, Advil and Penicillan, OH MY!
And for those of you who couldn't find the puppy in the pumpkin patch last he is!!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009
Are Titles Really Needed?

Our "gigantic" pumpkin has been a little disappointing, but still quite large! We'll start the seeds earlier next year.
Dorian has figured out how to climb two steps to be able to see sister on the other side of the coffee table! But then he gets stuck and just sits there and barks!
Time for me to sign off and go pop some painkillers!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Still sleepy
Then the roles get reversed and I am the dog. After much spinning and foot moving and walking around, on and under chairs, I finally get it! I am supposed to walk backwards! And when I finally understand what my "master" and I use that term lightly, wants me to do, it was exilarating! I was so proud of myself! However, after all that, I didn't even get a treat, what a rip.
It was pretty interesting to see just how difficult it is for our dogs to understand what we want them to do, and we even knew what the rules of the game were....the dogs don't even know that much information!
Our first class is Oct 4th. Which also happens to be Juliens birthday. So I am glad I will have to get up, get dressed and go out on that day. But we will definitly be having pancakes and bacon in memory of Julien. Thats was his birthday dinner request year after year. His favorite.
Dorian is also going to start classes too. He will go in the morning, and then Madeline will go in the afternoon. We are doing them seperate so they will not be distracted by eachother and us. There weren't enough puppies to do a puppy class, but there will be a puppy a few weeks older then him in his class. We will have to do lots of work at home to keep up with the big dogs as he will be going right into a level one class. We started work today on name recognition....he is a star pupil already!
And last but not least our most exciting news of the entire weekend.......dadadadadaaaaaaa......
Yay! I ran to get the camera and she ran out :(
Next time.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Schools In!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Phew! Soooo Tired!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Purla's Moving On Up!
This year, the little lady has been spending more and more time on the porch, and she is getting thinner and thinner. So Tommy and I decided we needed to move her into some retirement living. It is only partial assistance, she will recieve her meals, and we will do her laundry, but she will still have to bathe herself and go to the bathroom on her own.
The nice thing about moving into a previously enjoyed property, is all the stuff they left behind. So I drew up some plans and went scavenging for supplies in the back 40.
We found everything we needed from wood, to carpet to paint! And the roof is the old piece of our portable dishwasher that has been "hanging around" for a year and a half.
And Tommy really really really enjoyed his new compressor and brad nailer. This house is built to withstand hurricane force winds. The brad nailer came with 1000 staples, 1000 2" nails and 1000 2.5" nails....I think there's a few left.....

So we finished the final coat of paint tonight, Madeline tried it out for comfort! And we delivered it to the building site...a la manufactured home....this ain't no trailer!

I'm not sure how to get her to use it, we put her food dishes on the porch, we are hoping she will venture in on her own. I'm sure she will love it when she goes inside and sees the pillow with the kitty pillowcase and the leopard prints blankets!
Hopefully I can get a picture of her inside it some day!
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Shirts!
Appalooza 2009

Phew. Tommy and his parents went to town on the apple trees on Saturday. I tried to warn them. But nobody would listen to reason. "Stop" I said, "some can stay on the trees" I warned. But it was like they were in an apple trance. It was like wasps to a sugary drink.
Thankfully Sunday was rainy, so we set up a assembly line, and put everyone to task. Mom and dad U were coring, peeling and dicing. Tommy was pastry boy. And I was making applesauce. Seven pies and about 15 tubs of applesauce later, we had not even made a dent in the apples.
So we sent them home with a box of apples, and we still have three hugs boxes of apples left. We are thinking of giving people pie making kits, which would consist of a box of apples and a recipe card! Maybe we will deliver them in the middle of the night anonymously! Ha!
The house smells like apples. And everything is sticky. Even Madeline wasn't picking the dropped apple pieces off the floor!

We also got a gift from above on Saturday. I will suspensefully say no more, yet. I have to get dressed and we are off to pick up a tree. Can't say no to free firewood!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
New Computer!
Mom and Dad U, have donated us sad computer disinclined people a "new to us" computer! It is very fancy and black. The keyboard and mouse are wireless! AND it is fast! 50.6 Kbps as opposed to our old one, the fastest we ever got was 45.8! Its SUPER FAST!!!!
So, of course the first thing I had to try was to upload a picture and VOILA!!!! It worked! In less then half an hour! Unbelievable!
Sadly though, I was trying to upload the pictures of our Team Julien shirts, and for some reason my Madeline folder did not transfer over....but I still have all her recent pictures on my camera, we just need to install the program onto the computer for the camera. So in lieu of that, I have uploaded a picture of Julien and I at his very first Dog Jog! He was so tired by the end of it I had to carry him to the car! (We were smart for the next one and brought his wagon!) He was such a peanut!
So I will put the new pictures up later when we get this program installed....
Tommy and the inlaws are picking about a thousand apples right now....and think they are going to have a pie making festival....enjoy. I will go take some pictures of them and keep you posted on how it tastes.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Go Team Julien!
Anybody know anything about java script?????
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Dear Julien,
They say memories are goldenwell maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.
A million times I needed you,
a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a stairway
and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.
Author unknown
Tonight we lit a candle for you Julien.
It has been one month since you left us. It is lightening and thundering and I said to Tommy, as we sat on the porch, that if Julien were here, he would be butting in to sit between us, as just after I said that, Madeline came over and did exactly that. Purla came and sat with us too. She will likely be next to see Julien, we are giving her lots of messages to take to him. I sat out for a long time, I hope he is not afraid of the thunder. He was never afraid before, until our roof broke, and then this summer he was a little nervous, but without mommy....who knows. I miss you baby, I love you so much. Kisses to heaven.
Monday, August 31, 2009
To Hell and Back
Also, we found out there is a whole new technique to brushing these days....apparently I have brushed my gums away and that is part of my pain problem. So don't brush so hard! Lights in small circles and you can sweep from the gums down. If you need to go back and forth angle the brush, it should not be at a 90 degree to your teeth.....who knew? Oh and only buy really soft brushes.
Phew, at least that is over for two more weeks, then back to do the other side.....and then the real journey to hell....root canals.... that's right canals.
Lingy is having a rough day today, she keeps asking to get up to the table where all her brothers things are laid out. I don't know where to put them, and I haven't been able to eat at the table since he's been gone anyways. So his things stay there. She wanted to sniff everything, like I do, like she needed to remember. Tomorrow he has been gone one month. It still seems like a nightmare we will wake up from any minute.
Last night we went to Nelson and practiced for the walk, we're not sure of the exact route, but I don't think she minded! Well, I had a picture but after and hour long unsuccessful attempt, I give up, maybe tomorrow.
I have also decided that we need to make a kitty house for our adopted kitty Purla, she is very old and frail, but she won't stay in the house. Mostly she curls up on the porch and sleeps all day. So I am going to try to make her a shelter to keep her out of the elements this winter. Lingy and I will start work on it tomorrow.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
1st Post!
This blog has been started to document and remember all the fun things we do with Madeline.
We are on dial up, so this may be painful.
We have also recently lost her older brother Julien, this is also painful.
The first order of business is to let everyone know that Madeline is training hard to walk in Paws for a Cause on Sept 13. We are raising money in memory of her brother Julien, and walking in his memory. Julien participated in two paws for cause in his life.....well, the second one he mostly rode in a wagon...but good times were had by all.
We have high hopes that Madeline will excel in the bobbing for bones challenge. We are also hoping that our Team Julien t-shirts arrive in time! The estimated time of arrival is Sept 10, so we are cutting it very close.
I will now attempt to download a picture of Madeline on dial up! Don't hold your breath!
Oh right, and a link for Paws for a cause.
There it is .....I've never made a link.....we need help!