Monday, May 31, 2010
Rain rain go away...

Monday, May 24, 2010
May Short
Yesterday I made cinnamon buns for the first time. Big mistake. BIG ONE. There are none left today. None. I will not make that mistake again. Unless I have exactly 12 people in my house the would like one each. My icing kind of melted because I was really impatient, but warm melty icing on a fresh warm bun, good lord. Have mercy on me.

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day!

Oh, and that rustling I thought I heard earlier....

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Green Sleeves

It almost appears that Dorian is no longer the little brother! He actually is still a little bit smaller then her, with a slightly larger head!
Here's a better shot of Madeline holding up her green hands!
Sort of!
We spent hours outside! When we finally came in, exhausted and thirsty, we realized it was only 7:30! My goodness, we need to work on our gardening stamina! Well I should say me, Tommy continued mowing the weeds for another couple of hours. It worked out well though, I had some knitting to do!

I finally finished Tommys scappy socks, meant to use up little bits of yarn leftovers. I don't think I actually used up any though! They fit a little weird because of all the different size yarns, but hopefully they will get better after a few washes! The sad part of these socks is that they were almost completey knit during work hours, which tells you just how busy we were in April! Yikes, good thing there's yarn to get a girl through the day!
The cowichan is on the home stretch, just the collar is left to be knit! Hopefully I will finish it off this week!
Today is our last puppy training for the summer. We could have continued on with agility, but with Maddys knee and that fact that classes are moving outside into the heat, it is not a good option for us. So we are taking a well deserved break! We did pretty good, we made it to level four obediance in one year!
And one last exciting news! I am finished paying off one student loan! FINALLY! One more to go!