Friday, January 29, 2010
Field Trip!
We had so much fun, we spent three hours at the alpaca farm! The lady was so kind and we helped her feed them and took two of them for walkies! It was so neat!
And then we bought gorgeous alpaca yarn...mmmmm.
I have some pictures, I will post them as soon as we get home.
We are stopping in Pincher on the way home to have a quick spinning lesson/demo from Tom's aunt!
Oh and also Dorian has two less jingle bells. He is doing great, and doesn't seem too upset!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The flame the flame!!!

I was attempting to make my own training treats, because we go through a ton of them and most of the store bought ones give them excessive gas, but it was a lot of extra work to make them all in fingernail size pieces....any suggestion out there?
Madeline got bored halfway through and decided to lie down on top of her kennel, she didn't dare get too far away from the action!
Also I have an exciting Alpaca update!
We are going on a field trip next friday to an Alpaca Farm just outside of Cochrane! I will take lots of pictures and tell you all about it, it will be just like my report after a school trip! We're pretty excited. I've also been trying to find a spinning class, with no luck yet, I have a few leads but no actual schedualed classes yet. I can't wait to visit this farm, she has the most gorgous yarn on her spree!!!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I have a dream,
Luckily, hubby agrees!
The research has begun! And I'm looking for a spinning class.
Anybody have an alpaca for sale?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Why aren't there any 24hour yarn stores?
I finally finished Tom's socks that I started last year after a ten month battle with SSS. BUT, the whole reason I started these socks was to finish up a ball of leftover yarn. And to my horror, a few short rows, and I mean short rows literally...ahahaa knitting pun, I RAN OUT!!!! Arg.
Madeline and Dorian are back in school! We love having them learning on Sundays, then they are tired for days after!
They didn't move a muscle last evening, and we all woke up this morning in the exact same position we went to sleep in. And yes, they are still sleeping right now.
Dorian has 10 days left of testosterone heaven, next week we are heading back to Calgary to have his bells removed! Yay! Sometimes he gets a little amorous. Hopefully he will go back to being a little sweetie after! Yuck, teenage boys!
Well I should sign off a go get my chores done! The wood bin is empty again! And knitting to be done! I will try to be more diligent with my blogging from now on!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
If you don't have anything nice to say,
Sorry I haven't posted in a really, really, long time. I'm glad the month of December is over and that another 1st of the month has passed.
Before I started my post, I caught up on some reading, everybody is posting the highlights of the past year. Everybody seems to have had a great year.
I'm going to move on from this topic. Looking forward to a new year. Making better memories. Never forgetting the old ones.