Today I went to the dentist. This is my second trip to the dentist this month. My previous trip to the dentist was approximately 1993. Earlier this month I got a good patient sticker, which is permanently stuck to my tank top after Tommy did the laundry. This trip I did not get a sticker. Thanx to one minor panic attack......five shots of freezing later, I now have half a cleaning done. And Tommys' hand may hurt just as much as my mouth.
Also, we found out there is a whole new technique to brushing these days....apparently I have brushed my gums away and that is part of my pain problem. So don't brush so hard! Lights in small circles and you can sweep from the gums down. If you need to go back and forth angle the brush, it should not be at a 90 degree to your teeth.....who knew? Oh and only buy really soft brushes.
Phew, at least that is over for two more weeks, then back to do the other side.....and then the real journey to hell....root canals.... that's right canals.
Lingy is having a rough day today, she keeps asking to get up to the table where all her brothers things are laid out. I don't know where to put them, and I haven't been able to eat at the table since he's been gone anyways. So his things stay there. She wanted to sniff everything, like I do, like she needed to remember. Tomorrow he has been gone one month. It still seems like a nightmare we will wake up from any minute.
Last night we went to Nelson and practiced for the walk, we're not sure of the exact route, but I don't think she minded! Well, I had a picture but after and hour long unsuccessful attempt, I give up, maybe tomorrow.
I have also decided that we need to make a kitty house for our adopted kitty Purla, she is very old and frail, but she won't stay in the house. Mostly she curls up on the porch and sleeps all day. So I am going to try to make her a shelter to keep her out of the elements this winter. Lingy and I will start work on it tomorrow.
Old Fashioned Jelly Roll
3 hours ago