Spring has arrived in the
Kootenays! We have one little patch of snow left on the grass, and next weekend we will be getting busy in the garden for sure! But for today, all play and no work! This is the best time of the year to get out and do some of the local trails. Today we headed out to
Syringa Park. It was nice and cool, which is great for Ling, nice and cool, which is great for us, and not too many people, which is great for Dorian. He only had to pass one dog,
unfortunately this path is single file only, so it was a little hairy for a second and squishy.

This is a really neat trail, you start out going up and up and up the side of the mountain, on a switchback trail, the whole while over looking Arrow Lake, which is a great view if you can take your eyes off the path. Then when you get to the top of the trail, you walk across the mountain and then take another group of switchbacks back down. I have feeling we might have some sore butt muscles tomorrow!

Break time!

Snack time!
You can sort of see the Lake down below. We were getting a little sprinkle at this point, but when the sun was out, the lake was sparkling. Maybe we will leave the yard work a little longer, and get the boat out next weekend, if the weather is nice again!
Another project left the needles last week, and headed out to Cowley Alberta to a new darling baby girl! I hope it fits her some time over the summer, I think I might be making one of these for myself. It was so adorable. It's called Flora Dress.
Happy Spring Everyone!